11 Spiritual Practices for Anxiety Relief (from a Holistic Psychotherapist)

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A Spiritual Approach To Treating Anxiety

In a world that continues to spin faster and faster as we add more to our plate, with access to unlimited amounts of information, stimulation and possibility - it's no wonder so many of us are faced with increasing bouts of anxiety and overwhelm. The world is literally inundating our nervous systems on a daily basis. It's never felt more important to double down on self-care and holistic spiritual practices to nourish the mind, body and spirit.

As a licensed psychotherapist specializing in anxiety and holistic healing, I am passionate about lessening the burden of anxiety through holistic spiritual practices. I truly believe that anxiety is an indication that our mind, body and spirit are out of alignment. I’m not saying this from from a place of judgment, but from a place of observation, and an invitation to inquiry. Anxiety is actually an invitation to notice where we might be over-focused on the mental load of being human, and being invited to reconnect with our intuition and higher self. And no, you're not doing it wrong...being human is actually pretty hard!! A gentle reminder to be kind to yourself, and remember that being human is a practice. All you have to do is learn, and grow, and show up for yourself the best that you can, each and every day.

If you're ready to transform your anxiety symptoms with loving care and compassion, I've got some simple and effective spiritual practices for you that draw from psychology, neuroscience, and embodied wisdom traditions. I suggest picking one practice to fold into your daily life to help alleviate anxiety and overwhelm. Progress can feel slow to start, but over time you’ll notice new habits, more ease, and less suffering as you learn to care deeply for yourself.

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11 spiritual practices to help you soothe anxiety and overwhelm

1. Mindful Meditation: Begin or end your day with a few minutes of mindful meditation. Notice your body, your breath, your mind. See if you can observe yourself just existing. Allow space for whatever arise to be seen and witnessed as you learn to observe yourself with more curiosity than judgement. This practice encourages presence and compassion.

2. Embodiment Practice: This is just a fun way to say mindful movement. It's anything you do that gets you in tune with your unique body in the present moment. It might look like yoga, crawling around on the floor on your hands and knees (I'm serious, try it...), wild dancing to fantastic music, sensuality practices or simple slow breathing and shaking your body to release stress and tension. Let yourself be surprised at how expansive consciously moving your body is!

3. Using Mantras: A mantra is a sacred sound. The frequency and vibration of saying, singing or sounding many mantras not only helps recalibrate the mind-body connection but also tone the vagus nerve, which has been linked to improved heart rate variability, enhanced immune system function, and increased overall well-being. Translation: Less stress, more joy. A mantra can be a sacred name or word from a spiritual tradition such as Vedanta or hatha yoga, or an affirmation or prayer you create that resonates for you. Looking for inspiration? Check out gorgeous devotional music by Jai Uttal or Prema Love and sing along.

4. Stream of Consciousness Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings is a form of meditation and can be a spiritual practice when done with intention. It can also help identify patterns or triggers of anxiety. Try writing without thinking about the words, how they fit together or if your spelling and grammar is correct. When you get into the flow, your unconscious will find a way to express itself and often brings insights and guidance from your higher self.

5. Connecting to Yourself in Nature: Take a quiet walk in the woods, listen to the ocean waves, or simply sit outside and soak up the sun. If you can’t get outside, look outside at a tree or find a photo of your favorite nature spot to gaze at. Nature has a calming effect on the spirit and often times will instantly reduce feelings of anxiety.

6. Reading Sacred or Inspirational Texts: The wisdom of ancient and sacred texts can offer comfort, guidance, and a broader perspective on life's challenges. Some of my favorites include The Radiance Sutras and The Yoga Sutras. You can also check out my book recommendations here, with over 50 of my favorite life changing books for healing and transformation.

7. Seeking Spiritual Guidance: Whether it's a spiritual mentor, a trusted member of your faith community, or a professional psychotherapist like myself, don't hesitate to reach out for help. Being human is hard and we all need support.

8. Frequency Music: Allow the healing vibrations of frequency music or spiritual tunes to recalibrate your nervous system and bring calm and ease into your world. The harmonies and rhythms can align with your body's natural energies, leading to a more peaceful and expansive state of mind while reducing anxious thoughts and sensations. Check out my favorite playlist on Spotify.

9. Changing Your Brain With Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being with what is, and learning to observe your thoughts, feelings and experiences with more curiosity than judgement. (It's not easy, I know, that's why it's a practice, keep practicing). Neuroscience reveals that this ancient practice can quite literally rewire your brain and soothe the neural pathways involved in anxiety. With consistent practice comes a remarkable transformation: a decrease in anxious feelings and an increase in emotional regulation. Yes please!

10. Surrendering to Breathwork: Take a deep breath into your belly, pause for just a moment…then exhale with sound ahhhhhhhhh. There's profound power nested within the simple act of breathing. With mindful attention on the breath, you can often access and experience feelings of peace and ease, simply by slowing down enough to notice yourself breathing. And fun fact, you can’t be breathing deeply and in fight or flight mode at the same time! Deep breathing invites the nervous system to settle and is a beautiful practice for soothing anxiety and overwhelm. Each conscious breath is a loving invitation to peace, a gentle reminder that you are in the present moment where healing is not just possible but unfolding.

11. Tuning into A High Vibe Podcast: I honestly loathe the phrase 'high vibe' but it just needed to be said here! Tuning into a podcast from someone deeply embodied and teaching from their highest self is not only inspirational, but literally transformational to your energy system. Our nervous system subtlety recalibrates to whatever we see, hear, feel, touch or taste. So find a teacher you can learn from and listen to. Make sure it’s someone that embodies the qualities you are cultivating in your life right now, be it more sensuality, more trust in your intuition, or riding the waves of life with a smile.

My favorites right now:

Healing is possible. Holistic Spiritual Therapy Can Help.

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A gentle reminder that consistent daily action offers sustainable change over time! And no matter what you’ve been through, no matter what you’re struggling with right now, healing and change is always possible. And it starts by taking the next step on your healing journey, today!

I hope and trust you found inspiration to up-level or reinvigorate your daily self-care practice from this list. If you're looking for more personalized support, reach out! Me and my team offer holistic spiritual therapy to help you get to the root cause of your anxiety symptoms so you can stop surviving your life, and finally thrive. We’d love to support you!

We see therapy clients in-person from our offices in El Dorado Hills, CA, and also offer virtual therapy online to anyone in California.

Book a no-cost consultation call below to chat with me about working together!

-Kim Burris, Licensed marriage and family therapist in california

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Meet The Author

Kim Burris is a licensed psychotherapist, founder of The Holistic Counseling Center, and author of ‘The First 90 Days After Birth.’ As a holistic spiritual therapist, she offers evidence-based psychotherapy with a heart-centered approach that honors the mind, body, and spirit connection.

She specializes in helping people transform their struggles with anxiety and self-sabotage into a life lived with more love, more joy, and less suffering. 

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Kim Burris

Kim Burris is a holistic psychotherapist in the San Francisco Bay Area. She specializes in supporting individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, spiritual awakening and motherhood. 


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